vineri, 10 decembrie 2010

General Kato Kiomasa - Pegaso Models 90mm

I'm working with a few sincopes at this figure.
It's a large scale compared to the usual 54mm, but I don't think is 90mm as it's noted on the box. I compared this with a Viking (said) at the same scale from the same company, and I found out that the small japanese general is in fact bigger than the "raider from the cold north".
I've worked this figure for a friend some time ago and it ended up pretty well. The plan was that with all the knowhow gathered in the mean time, I should produce a much better work this time.
Well, all those interruptions caused by the real life, made this project in a verry dificult one. You maybe know how it's like to start again something put in a box from 5 months ago, and when you open the box to ask yourself - What did I intended to do with those colors and decorative models?
I'm sure it will be hard at the (re)begining, but I'm confident that in the end I will find a way to connect me with the past ideas. In fact, it's the same brain....I guess.
This is the finished one, for my friend.

I will post more pictures with the second atempt and I will post also some "work in progress".
I hope this will became a daily habbit and that I will enhance the apearance of this page later.

Un comentariu:

  1. Aşteptam de ceva vreme ca "fierberea" ta interioară să iasă la suprafaţă. Mă bucur din tot sufletul să văd poze cu figurinele tale. În cele din urmă îţi pui în valoare talentul în ale scrisului: chiar dacă râd la glumele tale, de fiecare dată îmi pun întrebări, citind printre rânduri afirmaţii complicate şi de cele mai multe ori foarte ... aplicate! Îţi doresc mult noroc şi să nu te opreşti aici. Numărul vizitatorilor este deja mare, aşa că să faci bine şi să nu ne laşi cu ochii în soare. ILA
